

Collectible - DAO Charity - Photography - April 30, 2022

Unseen Funny Me

Posted by:


Giovanni Manzoni


Project Key Datapoints

Drop Date: April 25, 2022Collection Size: 333Marketplace: OpenseaBlockchain: Polygon



Project Description

Unseen Funny Me (2007-2021) is a collection of 333 my photos where I look funny, all unpublished till now.

Hey! Each NFT has got unlockable content that can only be revealed by the owner of the item!

I needed a lot of courage to publish them.. but, no pain, no gain... and now here I am!

You are allowed to do anything with my NFTs, even for commercial purposes. I hope you have respect for my soul.

---> I will donate 15% of my earning to Clown Care non-profit organization for hospital clowning. No one should stop wanting to laugh. Follow me and this blog to stay updated on upcoming news!

I took inspiration from the Ghozali Everyday collection. I have spent my last 14 years photographing me and my girlfriend and these are my funnest shots.

Each unlockable content is about me, my secrets, my life... at least 200 words long.

Each NFT is 1/1. Each NFT is unseen. Happy laugh XD.

Each NFT has unlockable textual content and this is the list of all the titles of the various texts. Each text was written in my native language and translated into English with

I have grouped the various texts into thematic areas. Each text has been randomly associated with the NFTs in this collection, so this list does not follow any progressive order.

But, hey, inside NFT #1 is the list of all these titles with the corresponding NFT that contains it! So, if you own NFT #1, you can know which NFT a particular title corresponds to.

All texts are formatted with Markdown, so they are very readable and well formatted.

More info here:


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