

Art - March 24, 2022

The Power of Women

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Project Key Datapoints

Drop Date: March 30, 2022Marketplace: OpenseaBlockchain: Ethereum



Project Description

"Afi is a talented artist from the Covatar team who loves drawing people. She admires the diversity of people around the world, which is why she decided to create a collection dedicated to highlighting the beauty of women.

This particular illustration is inspired by a woman she saw in a dream. She made sure that the image reflected the various cultures and ethnicities in the world. Afi's goal is to show the world that despite our differences, everyone's special traits should be appreciated.

This collection will have a cap of 300 NFT artworks which will highlight unique features of women from different backgrounds.

You can participate and influence future items of this and other collections by joining our community on Discord. We also run cool giveaways, drop unique member-only NFTs and reward our most active members with merch and NFTs by our artists."


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