

Collectible - Defi - Generative - Metaverse - Rewards - August 31, 2022

Modular.Farm NFLT – Minting is Live

Posted by:


Steffen Frisch


Project Key Datapoints

Drop Date: August 27, 2022Collection Size: 5,000Marketplace: OpenseaBlockchain: Ethereum



Project Description


Modular.Farm is the first and only sensor-, AI- & mobile app controlled, closed-cycle, self-powering, self-regulating & self-sustaining, mobile, and extendable container farm, that enables everyone to produce +100k $ p.a. worth of locally grown fresh and healthy food.

How it works

Supporters can acquire area manager licenses in the form of Non-Fungible License Tokens (NFLTs). By completing microtasks outlined in the project description, they earn the exclusive right to revenue shares and commissions. The NFLTs are fully tradable on regular NFT marketplaces.

What will I earn?

We’re issuing 5,000 NFT-based area manager licenses – called “Non-Fungible License Tokens (NFLTs)” for all cities (and a few very small countries) with a population of more than 100,000 people. As an area manager license holder, these potential customers – as well as any sale that occurs closest to your license’s location – are “yours”.

Example: Let’s say you hold the 5% commission area manager license for San Francisco with a population of 875,000. In a worst-case-scenario with a conversion rate of only 0.1% in that area over the next 3 years, and an average shopping cart value of $15,000, you would bank $656,250 (+ additional closest distance sales and marketplace commissions).

Learn more:

Modular.Farm is verified by

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Looking forward to welcoming you to the team!


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