

Art - Collectible - September 26, 2022

Incredible Aniballs

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Incredible Aniballs


Project Key Datapoints

Drop Date: October 6, 2022Collection Size: 5,430Marketplace: OpenseaBlockchain: Ethereum



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Project Description

Incredible Aniballs is not yet another NFT project. It is the wolrd's first NFT project entirely designed in high-definition using Microsoft PowerPointâ„¢ shapes capabilities.

Each Incredible Aniball NFT is generated from hundreds of hand-drawn assets and each have their own rarity traits. Traits are manually created from Microsoft PowerPointâ„¢ Shapes with quality in mind. When we say manually, we really mean it. No graphic tablet was used, just a mouse.

All NFTs of our collection, Images and metadata, are generated exclusively using Microsoft Excelâ„¢ macros specifically developed for the occasion.

We are concerned by animal welfare because we believe they deserve what’s best in mankind. So We decided to dedicate our NFT collection to our animal friends. That’s why 30% of the funds collected during the sale will be allocated to charities dedicated to animal protection.


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