

Art - Collectible - Rewards - May 24, 2023

Dog Eat Dog World

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Dog Eat Dog World


Project Key Datapoints

Drop Date: May 4, 2023Collection Size: 4,444Marketplace: OpenseaBlockchain: Ethereum



Project Description

“Dog Eat Dog World” is used to describe a situation in which people will do anything to be successful, even if what they do harms other people. It's unfortunate but being in the web3/crypto space, we have all been harmed in one form or another in order for another to have success. Whether it be a rug pull, phishing attack, or just having an exchange “thank you” for your contribution.

Our goal at DEDW is to form a tight knit community of likeminded individuals (strength in numbers) to make sure each Dog is very knowledgeable and up to date with what’s going in this space. All Dog will have each other’s back and those Dogs that assist in others success will be REWARDED $$!

Utilities & Ecosystem 1)Ecosystem for Web3 gaming: Building out Guilds, Play2Earn, Staking, Whitelists. 2)Ecosystem for Trading - Crypto, NFTs, Stock, Forex, etc. 3)Ecosystem for Art -Artists connecting with other Artists and Art Enthusiasts. 4)NFT Lab - Develop out profitable business ventures and partnerships and have community lead a subsidiary collection.


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