

Art - Photography - August 4, 2022


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Project Key Datapoints

Drop Date: August 1, 2022Collection Size: 2,000Marketplace: OpenseaBlockchain: Ethereum



Project Description

CharityUkraine offers support to the families that were hit the hardest during the ongoing confrontation in Ukraine. Our stories are so chilling and horrifying that it is simply impossible to ignore them.

We've launched this NFT project to help Irina, the mother of a 4-year-old angel Liza. Liza died during a devastating strike the Russian Army unleashed on the city of Vinnytsia on July 14, 2022.

As a result of Russian terror, Irina lost her leg. Now she faces a long and challenging recovery.

Four Kalibr missiles used in the strike cost $26M. The submarine they were launched from costs $1.5B. Irina urgently needs just $100,000 to help with her recovery and prosthesis fitting, so that she can have a chance of living a normal life again. We will never be able to ease the emotional pain of loss, but we can help her get back on her feet.

We can do it together!


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