

Uncategorized - April 12, 2022


Posted by:


alien 5001


Project Key Datapoints

Drop Date: April 16, 2022Collection Size: 202Marketplace: MagicEdenBlockchain: Solana



Project Description

At AlienRPC, we wish to run Solana RPC endpoints. In aggregate we serve 24/7 requests every month. To make it easier for developers to integrate with AlienRPC, we've created this NFT that allows you to host your own on the Solana blockchain.

With AlienRPC, you either have a dedicated endpoint which is always serving traffic from the same location as designated when you booted the endpoint or you get access to our global network which always routes to the nearest available endpoint.

With our global network, your NFTs are available on 6 of the 7 major continents with automatic capacity when you need it.

We have support engineers in 3 different time zones to make sure you're always covered if you have any questions about your endpoint or our service.


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